Stop.Breathe.Think - A game changing mental health service for young people
We are proud to be a founding sponsor and partner of the Stop.Breathe.Think programme, launched in response to the pandemic. The unique mental health service offers free counselling sessions and support to any young person who would like to talk. With no wait times and a team of specialised counsellors ready to go, demand is growing rapidly.
This service is having a big impact across the country with 13,227 counselling sessions delivered to 2257 young people in just 2 years. Stop.Breathe.Think is playing a vital role in the provision of mental health care. There are no wait times and young people can access support in just 48 hours, Stop.Breathe.Think is there for any young person who’d like to talk.
The service is available nationally to young people, aged 21 or younger. All sessions take place virtually and there is a team of counsellors who specialise in a wide variety of issues. Organisations can refer up to 10 young people to Stop.Breathe.Think at any one time.
Whether you want to understand more about how you’re feeling or get information and support around mental health issues, the video guides will help.
If you are a young person, parent or professional and you think your child would benefit from professional counselling support please visit the website and social media platforms below.
"This support has massively helped me. I am forever grateful to my counsellor as she helped me to understand my emotions but also that it’s okay to be upset and worried. She helped me to understand and deal with the things that have happened in my life. I have never had someone listen and just understand what I’m trying to say. Showing vulnerability and saying I needed help was extremely hard but Stop.Breathe.Think have helped me so much." - Stop.Breathe.Think young person