Care Quality Commission - The Changes & Your Care Service

Care Quality Commission - The Changes & Your Care Service

At Gompels HealthCare Ltd we recognise that changes in legislation can be a difficult time for our customers. We have put together a fact sheet to help you in these changing times.

5 Key Questions For Your Care Business

Is The Service Safe?

The service needs to ensure that people are supported, allowed to make choices and take risks. It must also ensure they are protected from physical, psychological and emotional harm, abuse, discrimination and neglect. This is your responsibility to your service users.

Questions you may expect from the Care Quality Commission and their inspectors:

  • Are all staff aware of the safeguarding policy and procedure?
  • How are people's medicines managed so that they receive them safely?
  • How are people well protected by the prevention and control of infection?

To help, Gompels have COSHH training packs, wall charts, room cleaning charts, and a range of cost effective chemicals and cleaning products, to support staff training and help you to keep on top of infection prevention.

Make sure you can satisfy the core focus of this section, and questions, with real proof and answers. A good response could be:

  • Are all staff aware of the safeguarding policy and procedure?

"Each member is trained in our policy on induction, they then sign to agree they fully understand. We then refresh this training on an annual basis as can be seen in this training schedule with dates, names, signatures and details of the procedures."

Is The Service Caring?

The service needs to ensure that people, their families, and their carers experience care that is empowering and provided by staff who treat people with dignity, respect and compassion.

Questions you may expect from the Care Quality Commission and their inspectors:

  • How does the service make sure that people feel they matter?
  • How are people's privacy and dignity respected and promoted?

Remember the key 'Mum Test'. Would you be happy to put your own parent into this care service?

Is The Service Responsive?

The service needs to ensure that people get the care they need, are listened to and have their rights and diverse circumstances respected.

Questions you may expect from the Care Quality Commission and their inspectors:

  • What arrangements are there for people to have their individual needs regularly recorded, assessed and reviewed?
  • How does the service routinely listen to, and learn from, people's experiences?

Examples could be Question and Answer sessions, reviews with the service user and or their family. Ensure that policies reinforce the need to document discussions within the service user’s notes. Document any changes you make to give evidence to the Care Quality Commission.

Is Your Service Effective?

The service needs to ensure that people are supported to live their lives in the way that they choose, and to experience the best possible health and quality of life outcomes. Personalised care may look different for a 24 year old disabled person and an 80 year old person with dementia. Similarly, it could be different between two 70 year old dementia patients. They each have a right to choose different things in the same way anyone else does.

Questions you may expect from the Care Quality Commission and their inspectors:

  • How do people's care plans evidence person centred care? - Person centred means that care is tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of each individual.
  • How are people supported to maintain good health?
  • Provide evidence of activities that you use, both to promote an active lifestyle, and to provide interaction.

Is The Service Well Lead?

The service needs to ensure that management and leadership encourage and deliver an open, fair, transparent, supporting and challenging culture at all levels.

Questions you may expect from the Care Quality Commission and their inspectors:

  • How does the service enable and encourage open communication with people who use the service, those that matter to them and staff?
  • How does the service promote a positive culture that is open and honest?

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