Gompels EDI API.

NOTE: This document is released as a draft document.  It is subject to change and enhancement and is being activly developed alongside exising customers

As a core part of our business, we take pride in continuously developing and enhancing our ecommerce website, to provide a huge range of tools and functions to make our customers lives easier and enable them to analyse and control spending.  From budgets to dashboards we provide a whole host of benefits.  However we do understand that many of our larger customers have existing procurement systems that integrate fully with their businesses and do not wish their users to place orders directly on the Gompels ecommerce website.  This section of the website will cover our fledgling Electronic Document Interchange API, including the document formats we're able to accept and other services such as providing an electronic catalogue for automated import into your own system.

Our inhouse team of developers are constantly working on improving our EDI, so if there's something specific you require, please don't hesitate to speak to your key accounts manager to discuss the options available.

1. The API
2. Electronic Product Catalogue
3. Sales Order Creation
3.1. BASDA

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